Hair Loss Due to Dandruff – Are They Really Related?

There can be some link between hair loss and dandruff but dandruff on the scalp does relate to hair loss all the time. Can hair loss occur due to dandruff? Are they really related to each other?

This article discusses the link between hair loss and dandruff and how they are related to each other. If you want to know the link between these two important issues, this topic is for you.


Dandruff and Hair Loss Are Related

Having dandruff on the scalp is not new to us but it does not relate to hair loss all the time. However, there can be some link between these two.

If you have hair loss and you also have a dandruff issue, it is not necessary that your hair loss is occurring due to dandruff. There may be another reason for it.

According to, dandruff doesn’t directly cause hair loss, in most cases. However, dandruff causes itching and scratching the scalp badly can make hair fall out.


How Hair Loss Occurs Due to Dandruff

Dandruff can go if you take care of your scalp and hair. If you have hair loss and scalp dandruff, you should visit an expert because a professional can check your hair loss and tell if it is related to dandruff.

Whether or not your dandruff is causing hair loss, you should try to fix it because it shows the poor health of the scalp. So contact a hair growth expert to know your options.


Last Word About Dandruff and Hair Loss

This article discussed the link between hair loss and dandruff and how they are related to each other. If you want to know the link between these two important issues, this topic might have helped you.

You have read how dandruff and hair loss can be related. Do not wait anymore and visit a professional if you are a victim of hair loss and dandruff. I wish you all the best with your hair restoration goals.


