Aromatherapy massage

Aromatherapy massage is a type of massage applied by preparing a mixture of oils obtained from plant extracts. With the plant extracts used, it creates relaxation, relaxation and resting feature in the body. With aromatherapy massage, both psychological and physical relaxation and relaxation are felt in the body. You will have a relaxed and relaxed body by moving away from muscle problems and stress-related psychological problems.

Stress related problems
Stress, anxiety, restlessness, uneasiness, tension, insomnia Skin complaints, (skin itching and rashes, eczema, etc.) Headache and migraine
Women's Health
Menstrual problems (painful menstrual pain, excessive bleeding, menstruation, etc.)
PMS (pre-menstrual tension, bloating, restlessness, etc.)
Problems with menopause (sudden hormonal
sweating, distress, tension, bloating, etc.
Problems in Pregnancy
inability to relax
Back and back pains
Inflatable legs
Muscle, Bone and Joint Problems
Back and back pain
Arthritis / rheumatism
Sports injuries, muscle and joint disorders (sprains, injuries, etc.)

Other Disorders
Respiratory problems (asthma, bronchitis, etc.)
Circulatory problems (blood pressure, dizziness, etc.)
Digestive problems (constipation, indigestion, etc.)
Ear, nose, throat (sinusitis, ear pain, etc.)
It also helps to treat many health problems such as cellulite and weight problems.
